Delete (phpunit\Delete) [x] Delete [x] Delete error [x] Delete internal error [x] Delete where [x] Delete where returns null Exception (phpunit\Exception) [x] Table does not exist [x] Failed to connect [x] Failed to connect after retry [x] Failed to connect lazy [x] Failed to command lazy [x] Failed to begin transaction [x] Failed to rollback transaction [x] Failed to commit transaction [x] Failed to escape lazy [x] My sql warning [x] My sql error Insert (phpunit\Insert) [x] Replace [x] Replace one [x] Insert error [x] Insert [x] Insert many [x] Insert one Logger (phpunit\Logger) [x] Logger error [x] Logger constructor out [x] Logger constructor err [x] Logger stream err end [x] Logger stream out closed [x] Logger stream err closed [x] Logger stream out bad mode [x] Logger stream err bad mode [x] Logger stream out end [x] Logger with strings with data set "nothing" [x] Logger with strings with data set "nothing-array" [x] Logger with strings with data set "nothing-error" [x] Logger with strings with data set "something" [x] Logger with strings with data set "chars" [x] Logger with context Meta (phpunit\Meta) [x] Open [x] Close [x] Primary key [x] Primary key not found [x] Primary key composite [x] Enum [x] Set [x] Not real enum or set [x] Escape [x] Single quoted escape [x] Double quoted escape [x] Primary key not defined [x] Primary key query failed Mydb Environment (phpunit\MydbEnvironment) [x] Signal sighup trap with data set "SIGHUP" [x] Signal sighup trap with data set "SIGTERM" [x] Signal sighup trap with data set "SIGINT" [x] Signal sighup trap with data set "SIGINT,SIGTERM,SIGHUP" Mydb Event (phpunit\MydbEvent) [x] Mydb event listener break [x] Mydb event listener exception [x] Mydb internal event success Mydb Exception (phpunit\MydbException) [x] My exception [x] Query builder exception Mysqli (phpunit\Mysqli) [x] Reuse resource [x] Get mysqli [x] Options no init [x] Query no init [x] Read response no init [x] Extract response no init [x] Escape no init [x] Transactions no init [x] Transactions will finish when forced autocommit [x] Close no init [x] Affected rows no init [x] Warnings no init Options (phpunit\Options) [x] Non interactive timeouts [x] Transaction isolation level [x] Server side select timeouts [x] Error reporting [x] Read timeout [x] Network buffer [x] Network buffer min [x] Network buffer max [x] Set read buffer [x] Set read buffer min [x] Set read buffer max [x] Mysqli report [x] Mysqli report min [x] Mysqli report max [x] Set time zone [x] Autocommit [x] Charset [x] Persistent [x] Readonly Query Builder (phpunit\QueryBuilder) [x] Show columns like [x] Show keys [x] Insert one with data set "simple int" [x] Insert one with data set "simple float" [x] Insert one with data set "expression" [x] Insert one with data set "raw null" [x] Insert one with data set "string caps null" [x] Insert one with data set "string lowercase null" [x] Insert one with data set "string 0x" [x] Insert one with data set "string 0x even" [x] Insert one with data set "string 0x mismatch" [x] Insert replace one exception [x] Replace one with data set "simple int" [x] Replace one with data set "simple float" [x] Replace one with data set "expression" [x] Replace one with data set "raw null" [x] Replace one with data set "string caps null" [x] Replace one with data set "string lowercase null" [x] Replace one with data set "string 0x" [x] Replace one with data set "string 0x even" [x] Replace one with data set "string 0x mismatch" [x] Escape [x] Build update where many with data set "simple" [x] Build update where many with data set "prefixed simple" [x] Build where with data set "simple" [x] Build where with data set "expression" [x] Build where with data set "expression8" [x] Build where with data set "simple array count >1" [x] Build where with data set "negative array count >1" [x] Build where with data set "simple null array count >1" [x] Build where with data set "negative null array count >1" [x] Build where with data set "simple array count 1" [x] Build where with data set "negative array count 1" [x] Build where with data set "simple null" [x] Build where with data set "negative null" [x] Build where with data set "like null" [x] Build where with data set #0 [x] Build where with data set #1 [x] Build where with data set #2 [x] Build where with data set #3 [x] Build where with data set #4 [x] Build where with data set #5 [x] Build where with data set #6 [x] Build where with data set #7 [x] Build where with data set #8 [x] Build where with data set #9 [x] Build where with data set #10 [x] Build where with data set #11 [x] Build where with data set #12 [x] Build where with data set #13 [x] Build where with data set #14 [x] Build where with data set #15 [x] Build where with data set #16 [x] Build where with data set #17 [x] Build where with data set #18 [x] Build where with data set #19 [x] Build where with data set #20 [x] Build where with data set #21 [x] Build where with data set #22 [x] Build where with data set #23 [x] Build where with data set #24 [x] Build where with data set #25 [x] Build where with data set #26 [x] Build where with data set #27 [x] Build where with data set #28 [x] Build where with data set #29 [x] Build where with data set #30 [x] Build where with data set #31 [x] Build where with data set #32 [x] Build where with data set #33 [x] Build where with data set #34 [x] Build where with data set #35 [x] Build where exception [x] Build insert many exception [x] Build update where many exception 1 [x] Build update where many exception 2 [x] Build update where many exception 3 [x] Build update where many exception 4 [x] Build update where many exception 5 [x] Build update where many exception 6 [x] Build update where many exception 7 [x] Build delete where exceptions [x] Build update where exceptions 1 [x] Build update where exceptions 2 [x] Build update where exceptions 3 [x] Build update where exceptions 4 [x] Build update where exceptions 5 Registry (phpunit\Registry) [x] Registry empty 1 [x] Registry empty 2 [x] Registry empty 3 [x] Registry set [x] Registry un set 1 [x] Registry un set 2 [x] Registry serialize 1 [x] Registry serialize 2 [x] Registry unserialize 1 [x] Registry unserialize 2 [x] Registry clone Repository (phpunit\Repository) [x] Registry Resource (phpunit\Resource) [x] Open [x] Open close error [x] Open autocommit failed [x] Simple close [x] Close not connected [x] Will commit not persistent transaction when no autocommit and no transaction on close [x] Will commit is persistent transaction when no autocommit and no transaction on close [x] Transaction exception on persistent close [x] Transaction exception on non persistent close [x] Disconnect exception on close [x] Uncaught exception becomes internal exception on close [x] No gc when not connected [x] Gc when connected [x] Do no commit transaction when autocommit enabled on close [x] Do no commit transaction when transaction explicitly started on close [x] Query bad client request [x] Query bad server response [x] Query bad server response packet field count is zero [x] Query bad server response packet field count is not zero but bad result [x] Connecting defaults failed [x] Connecting transaction isolation failed [x] Connecting transaction autocommit failed Select (phpunit\Select) [x] Simple select with data set "simple select all" [x] Simple select with data set "complex select all" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select JOIN" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select UNION" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select ORDER BY" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select WHERE" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select COUNT" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select GROUP BY" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select HAVING" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select LIMIT" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select LIMIT OFFSET" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select ALL" [x] Simple select with data set "simple select SQL_SMALL_RESULT" [x] Termination during query [x] Server gone during query Transactions (phpunit\Transactions) [x] Begin transaction readonly real [x] Begin transaction read write real [x] Transaction isolation level [x] Begin transaction readonly success [x] Begin transaction readonly failure [x] Begin transaction readwrite success [x] Begin transaction readwrite failure [x] Rollback transaction success [x] Rollback transaction failure [x] Commit transaction success [x] Commit transaction failure Update (phpunit\Update) [x] Update where [x] Update [x] Update many [x] Update internal error [x] Update returns null [x] Delete where returns null